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  • Online Live Sessions with Q & A 
  • Study Material eBook format
  • Recordings available

  • Participants across the Globe can Join

  • Suitable Batch Timings

  • Guidance for Career / Research Opportunities 
  • Online Admission Process - Payment Options: Credit/Debit Card, Net Banking, UPI.

  • Foreign students can pay by PayPal

  • Accredited by International Accreditation Council For Dharma Schools and Colleges

Click here to learn about Credit Systems

April Courses

Batch A - Monday to Wednesday

Study of Vedas (4 Credits)

Learn the ultimate source of knowledge & Science… The most ancient scripts of the world… 

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  • Course Code: SLP01

  • Course Fees: Rs. 6000/- ( US $ 150 for Foreign Students)

  • Duration - 17 April to 26 June 2023

  • Evening : 8:00pm to 9:20pm (Mon to Wed)

Study of Kautilya Political Science and Arthashastra (4 Credits)

जानिए पुरे विश्व के इतिहास के सबसे बुद्धिमान मनुष्य के बारे में... कुटिल बुद्धि के कारण विख्यात, अपितु राजा, प्रजा और देश के हित के प्रती अतुलनीय निष्ठा रखनेवाला महामानव - कौटिल्य का राज मंत्र और राज तंत्र, जानिए बुनियादी अर्थशास्त्र, संपत्ती का निर्माण, युद्धशास्त्र तथा राज्यशास्त्र - जानिए धर्मदंड, राजदंड और न्यायदंड... जानिए सुशासन तथा सुप्रजा के निर्माणमे राजा और समाज की भूमिका...

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  • Course Code: SHM01

  • Course Fees: Rs. 6000/- ( US $ 150 for Foreign Students)

  • Duration - 17 April to 26 June 2023

  • Morning : 7:30 am to 8:50 am (Mon to Wed)

Study of Ancient Indian Architecture (4 Credits)

भारतीय कला और स्थापत्य की अद्भुत मिसाल ..
हजारो मंदिरोंमें अलौकिक स्थापत्य का निर्माण ... 
जानिए मंदिरोकीं कथाएँ और शैली 
अष्टांग स्थापत्य और वास्तूशास्त्र की उपलब्धियाँ 

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  • Course Code: SAC01

  • Course Fees: Rs. 6000/- ( US $ 150 for Foreign Students)

  • Duration - 17 April to 26 June 2023

  • Morning: 7:30 to 8:50am (Mon to Wed)


Batch B - Thursday to Saturday

Study of Upanishad (4 Credits)

ईश-केन-कठ-प्रश्न-मुण्ड-माण्डुक्य-तित्तिरि: ।ऐतरेयज्च छान्दोग्यं बृहदारण्यकन्तथा ॥ उपनिषद... भारतीय तत्वज्ञान का मूल है उपनिषद ...

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  • Course Code: SLP02

  • Course Fees: Rs. 6000/- ( US $ 150 for Foreign Students)

  • Duration - 20 April to 24 June 2023

  • Evening : 8:00pm to 9:20pm (Thu to Sat)

Study of Puranas (4 Credits)

Puranas… the encyclopedia of history and knowledge of India… The simplified form of knowledge systems in ancient India…

पुराण : भारतीय इतिहास – संस्कृती का आईना ! 

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  • Course Code: SLP03

  • Course Fees: Rs. 6000/- ( US $ 150 for Foreign Students)

  • Duration - 20 April to 24 June 2023

  • Morning: 7:30 am to 8:50 am (Thu to Sat)

Study of Vimana Vidya (4 Credits)

Let's study the story of Pushpak Vimana. Is Viman Vidya truth or mere myth ? क्या प्राचीन समय में भारतीय विमानोमें सफर करते थे ? राक्षस विमान किस प्रकार के थे ? Did they have technology & developed science of Auronautics & Rocketary ?

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  • Course Code: SST02

  • Course Fees: Rs. 6000/- ( US $ 150 for Foreign Students)

  • Duration - 20 April to 24 June 2023

  • Evening : 8:00pm to 9:20pm (Thu to Sat)

Credit System:-
✅ Certificate - 4 Credits - 3 Months Duration

✅ Diploma - 16 Credits  - 4 Certificates

✅ Masters Degree - 64 Credits 

✅ PhD by Thesis - 120 Credits ( 64 Credits Masters  + 56 Credits Thesis )  

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Why should one join these Courses?
Ans: - Ancient Indian Wisdom for Better World Tomorrow is the mission of the BHISHMA School of Indic Studies. It aims at overall development of human being on individual level as well as society and universe as a whole.  These courses are of unique in nature and will update a student with basic foundation of ancient Indian wisdom. 

Are BSIS online courses accredited? What is the certification? 

Ans. :- Yes. BSIS certification is international certification which is accepted globally. BSIS online certificate courses are accredited by IACDSC. Accreditation is accepted in USA and all over the world. Bhishma School of Indic Studies and IACDSC will jointly provide the eCertification. 

What is the Value Addition to my Life and Career?
Ans :-The course are designed with multidimensional aspect for cross sectional development of student. The contents of the courses will enable student with directive for life management and life style management. It will help to clear lot of confusions of crises of life at various levels. It will provide positive direction for attainment of goals in life. Courses will help to significantly improve the process personality development and character building of an individual. Most important, it will improve the confidence level to a great extent. 


What are the Career Opportunities?
Ans :-The courses will generate lot of career opportunities for individuals. It will be a great addition in resume building. The whole world is looking for the applications of ancient Indian wisdom. E.g. Meditation and Yoga has created so much employment. Ayurveda and wellness are gaining momentum now. Sanskrit language is getting spread universally. Similarly lot many new fields with basis of ancient Indian wisdom will emerge and create huge career opportunities for individuals.


What are the Research Opportunities? 
Ans :-Scholars and intellectuals with ancient Indian wisdom expertise will have enormous research opportunities. Number of universities, institutions, corporate and social organisations in India and across globe have started research activities to discover applied knowledge and skills from ancient Indian knowledge in various fields.  Digital content development in Indian wisdom also need lot of research. 


What are the Professional Opportunities?
Ans :-Students may work as experts and consultants on Ancient Indian Wisdom. The expertise may vary in number of fields and sectors. It may range from education, science, agriculture, social system, economics, healthcare system, cultural management, literature, language, trade and commerce, etc. The current trend is a professional career as Author based on ancient Indian wisdom. E.g. popular authors like Amish Tripathi, Vinneet Bajpayee, Anuja Chandramouli, etc. Professionals have opportunities in digital content development.  

What are the Business Opportunities?
Ans :-Business ideas and concepts based on ancient Indian wisdom has very huge potential in future. E.g. Tourism including Temple tourism, Ancient Indian Games, Arts & Crafts – Manufacturing and Trading, Ancient Fashion, embroidery, clothing, dance, music, theatre, printing and publishing, spiritual activities management, healthcare business, hotel and hospitality with Indian concepts, etc. There are lot of business opportunities in digital contents development based on ancient Indian wisdom. 

For which Age groups, these courses are useful and beneficial? 
Ans :-The courses are aimed at overall development of individuals.  So age is no bar. The courses will help students of all ages. If one take these courses at young age, it will be more useful as they have more lifespan. But courses will help for mid aged and senior aged students also as they have more experience and understanding of life. So they will quickly adopt the contents for applications in real life. 


Are these courses designed and useful only for Indian Nationals and people with Indian Origin?
Ans :- Ancient Indian Wisdom is created and developed for the benefit of all universe. So it is universal. The nature and contents of this knowledge is useful for all human beings and not for only Indians or Hindus. E.G. the concepts of Yoga, Wellness, Ayurveda, etc. are universal. So these courses are beneficial for all citizens of the universe. BSIS is emphasizing for Indians and Hindus in India and outside India to study these courses as they are in the process of losing the very basis of ancient Indian wisdom. They have natural first right on this knowledge. They can grasp it more easily as  it is in their blood. They will also help to spread this knowledge easily across the globe. 

Are students outside India are eligible to join ?

Ans. :- Yes. Students in India and Outside India i.e. foreign students are eligible to join BSIS courses. 

What is the eligibility & educational qualification required to join BSIS courses ?

Ans. :- Any Individual across the globe can join. No restriction of educational qualification. He / She should be able to understand basic teaching in Hindi and English. It is preferred that one should have completed minimum matriculation. But it is not the compulsory barrier. 

Is there any age limit to join BSIS courses?

Ans. :- No Age limit. Any male and female can join. Generally students aged above 15 years are preferred. But it is not restriction.

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