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Shri Bhagwan Vedvyas Itihas Sanshodhan Mandir, short named as BHISHMA organization was established in 1976 by Itihas Bhushan late Shripadji Kulkarni. It was blessed and inspired by PP Shankaracharya Mahaswamy of Kanchi Kamkoti Peetham. BHISHMA organization has published 18 volumes of Indian History and Culture.  BHISHMA series seeks to present an authentic History of India in its proper perspective. The impression that one gathers from the study of history books currently taught in schools and colleges is that India is a country subjected to foreign invasions century after century. The first were the Aryan Barbarians followed by the Huns, the Shakas, the Muslim Invaders and lastly the Europeans. This gloomy picture is nothing but an exaggeration. The Muslim Imperial rule lasted hardly 150 years from 1570 A.D. to 1720 AD.and the British rule lasted only 90 years from 1857A.D. to 1947 A.D. As against this, the Paurava and Magadha emperors ruled India and the regions beyond the Sindhu river right from 3138 B.C. to 135 A.D.

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Although India was politically fragmented after this period and was ruled by different dynasties from various provincial capitals, the suzerainty of the Indraprastha (Delhi) ruler was implicitly accepted, all over the country. Certain other distortions especially in the field of fixing Indian chronology and of evaluating India's cultural contribution also have crept in as a result either of deliberate attempts or otherwise. This series is launched with a view to set them right.


Released in 1987 is the 11th Volume in the series and it studies the life of the Acharya, his philosophy and his superhuman effort to kindle in man a zest for living and love for fellow being the Vedic prescription of life, harmony between spiritual and temporal, BEGINNINGS OF LIFE, CULTURE AND HISTORY which wasreleased subsequently is the 1st of the 18 volumes. The Vedic conception of the origin of the Universe and of life, the strength and merits of the Vedic culture, the Aryan culture as a common world’s heritage and the problem of Indian chronology constitute important ingredients of this present volume.

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The Vedas belong to a hoary antiquity and are the first unnerances of mankind. One is amazed to know that some thousands of years ago, the Vedic Aryas could grapple in their own way, with the mystery of the creation and life. Their ideas on the subject appear to be tar ahead of their times. The Vedas are regarded as the foundation of religion, culture and philosophy of the Indians but in actuality they belong to the world at large. The Rugveda clearly reveals that the 'Home of the Vedic-People' was a vast expanse of land encompassed by the Caspian sea in the west, the Pamir and the Himalayas in the north and north east, the Ganga and the Yamuna in the east and Arabia, Iran, Iraq and Mesopotamia in the south. It was here that the Vedic culture initially flourished.

Later, the Aryans dispersed to different lands in Europe, North Africa, the rest of Asia and America, and developed the ancient world civilizations in their respective regions. Unfortunately those who migrated from their original home land, almost totally lost their links with their ancient culture while only the Indians could preserve the Vedas and their links with the ancient Vedic civilization, making such modifications as the climes and times demanded.

The SarasvatiSindhu civilization (The Indus civilization), the Bharat War, the Mauryan empire, the Advaita philosophy of AdiSankara are some of the notable milestones in the course of the onward march of the Vedic culture and civilization. There are, however, some misconceptions and confusion about them, especially about their chronology.

An attempt has been made to reconstruct the ancient Indian chronology and we now know that the Bharat War was a historical event which took place in 3138 B.C. The contemporary of Alexander, the Greek adventurer was Chandragupta of the Imperial Gupta dynasty and not Chandragupta Maurya who really belonged to the 16th century B.C. The age of AdiSankara was also 6th century B.C. and not 8th century A.D. as generally held.


The Vedic thought propagated an integral vision of the life and held as sacroscanct man's right to choose a mode of worship according to individual or group desire declaring at the same time, the unity of mankind in thought and deed forged through Bramhan- the only prime source of energy in the universe.Brahman is conceived as the father, the nourisher (the mother) and the upholder of order in the universe.

The Vedic religion is broad enough to give content and meaning to all human values. It shuns all parochialism and chauvinism and foster brotherhood of all living beings. The Vedic people called themselves 'Aryas' meaning 'Civilized People'. Their civilization and culture are the heritage of mankind.


" Aa no bhadrahkratavoyantuvisvatah ”

"Let good thoughts flow to us from all corners of the globe" was their craving. If people all over the world imbibe this spirit, the day would not be far off when peace and prosperity would reign supreme, and the rivers of milk and honey would flow round the globe.

BHISHMA - The Study of Indian History and Culture

Series of 18 Volumes

  • Vol. I: Beginnings of Life, Culture and History

  • Vol. II: Puranas: The encyclopedia of Indian History and Culture

  • Vol. III: The Epics: Ramayana and Mahabharata

  • Vol. IV: Glorious Epoch ( 29000 B.B to 135 A.D ) Swayambhuv Manu to Shakari Shalivahana

  • Vol. V: 1) Tamilakam 2) Darkness at Horizon (Harsha to Prithviraj Chauhan )

  • Vol. VI: Encounter with Eslam

  • Vol. VII: The Struggle for Hindu Supremacy

  • Vol. VIII:  European Interlude

  • Vol. IX: Dharma and Vedic Foundations

  • Vol. X: Emergence of Free India: 1857 -1947

  • Vol. XI: Adi Shankara - The Savior of Mankind

  • Vol. XII: The Brahman : The fount of Eternal Human Culture

  • Vol. XIII: India – The wonderland of Perennial Culture

  • Vol. XIV: History of Arts, Science and Technology

  • Vol. XV: History of Fine Arts – Dance, Drama, Music, Pictorial and Plastic Arts

  • Vol XVI: India Abroad

  • Vol XVII: Economic History of India

  • Vol XVIII: Call of Bharata

The Editorial Team of BHISHMA Project

  1. Shripad Dattatraya Kulkarni – Chief General Editor - First Class Sanskrit Scholar, Retired Administrator and Author of Many Prize Winning Books

  2. Dr. Arun Joshi – Associate Editor

  3. Dr. A. G. Javadekar – Co-Editor – Ex HOD of Philosophy, Maharaja Sayajirao University, Baroda, Ex-President All India Philosophical Congress

  4. Dr. M.D. Paradkar – Hon. Vice Chancellor, Mumbai Hindi Vidyapeetha, Ex-Professor of Sanskrit &Ardha-Magadhi

  5. Dr. V.V. Gangal – Reader, AnanthacharyaIndologicalInstititute, Mumbai 

Blessings, Prestigious Honors, Appreciations and Support

  1. Bhishma Project is blessed by Sri SriShankaracharyaMahaswamiMaharaj of KanchiPeetham. He had called lateShripadji Kulkarni to consult and understand the concept of BHISHMA and blessed him with noble award as “ItihasBhushan”

  2. SatyaSai Baba had blessed BHISHMA project and late Shripadji Kulkarni.

  3. Maharashtra Government and then Chief Minister YashwantravChavan had honored BHISHMA project and awarded Rs.25,000/- as a support to BHISHMA project.

  4. PeshaveSansthan had appreciated BHISHMA project and honored late Shripadji Kulkarni with “Vidwan” award.

  5. Gujrati and Marathi Sammelan honored BHISHMA project and late Shripadji Kulkarni with “Vidyabhushan” award.

  6. Howard University & Vedic Foundation USA had invited late Shripadji Kulkarni for a conference and honored to chair a seminar.

  7. Universities in south India had organized a special seminar on BHISHMA series of books in 1995 and recommended to accept BHISHMA series as authentic history of Indian culture and civilization.

  8. Mumbai University had organized a special seminar on BHISHMA project and series oh the series.

  9. The Eminent Personalities had admired and blessed the BHISHMA project e.g. Ex-President of India Venkatraman, Ex-Governor C. Subramanium, NaniPalkhiwala, Dr. Karan Singh, Dr. Gokak, etc. 

  10. International Hindu Heritage Foundation had honored late Shripadji Kulkarni as Editorial Consultant and Mentor.

  11. Hinduism Today, a reputed magazine from USA had honored the concept of BHISHMA Project and late Shripadji Kulkarni.

  12. Eminent newspapers like Times of India, Indian Express, Loksatta, Maharashtra Times, Skaletc and magazines like JivanVikas of Ramkrushna Math Dharmabhaskar, Prasad, etc had published appreciation reports about BHISHMA project.


Late Shripadji Kulkarni, first class Sanskrit scholar, retired administrator and author of many prize winning books has established the organization named as Shri Bhagwan Vedvyas Itihas Sanshodhan Mandir, short named as BHISHMA  in 1976. BHISHMA organization has published 18 volumes of Indian History and Culture.  BHISHMA series seeks to present an authentic History of India in its proper perspective. 

There are many controversial issues regarding modern Indian history and there is a good deal of misunderstanding and confusions. At the same time, there are few historians have thoroughly scanned and analysed original documents and recorded their findings and research through their literature. Late Shripad ji Dattatreya Kulkarni was one of them. 

His son Dr. Ravindra Kulkarni, chief of the internationally famous organization in the field of mathematics called “Bhaskaracharya  Pratishthan” and professor-emirates of City University of  Newyork, USA  has decided to felicitate an eminent scholar of  Indian History and Culture across the globe with the Bhishma award every year in the memory of  his father since 2018.  

The BHISHMA award is thus initiated by Dr. Ravindra Kulkarni. He requested to  P.P. Govinddev Giri  Maharaj ( Treasurer Trustee, Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Tirth Kshetra Trust, Ayodhya and Founder Maharshi Vedvyas Pratishthan ) to guide and monitor  the process of  searching and selecting  the eminent scholar.  P.P. Swamiji handed over this noble work to the trustees committee of  Shri  Dnyaneshwar  Gurukul.   The Bhishma award consists of a certificate of honour, a garland, a shawl and a cash token amount  of  Rs. Five lakhs. 

The first dignitary to be honoured by the Bhishma  Award   was Hon. Acharya Shri Balkrishna of  Patanjali Yogapeeth in the year 2018. 

The second dignitary to receive  the  Bhishma Award was selected from USA in the year 2019. The eminent scholar was Shri Rajeev Malhotra, Founder, Infinity Foundation, USA and  World  Famous  Author.     
World famous American Vedic Scholar Padma Bhushan David Frawley has consented to accept the third Bhishma award 2020. The award ceremony will be held in November 2020. 

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Bhishma Award 2018

Hon. Acharya Shri Balkrishna

Chairman Patanjali Yogpeeth

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Bhishma Award 2019

Shri Rajeev Malhotra

Founder, Infinity Foundation, USA

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Bhishma Award 2020 

Dr. David Frawley

(Pandit Vamadeva Shastri)

Founder - The American Institute of Vedic Studies USA

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